In 1997 Hardy
introduced three Lightweight Palakonas exclusively for the American
market. The Lightweight tapers are medium-fast & fast, with a sweet
progressive action. Designed for the dry fly enthusiast or small nymph
fisherman Lightweights turnover tight loops with a lower-middle to tip
flexing profile. As expected the finish work is of the highest caliber
and the varnish is perfect. The Blue Ridge and Catskill are excellent
choices for your first Palakona.
Hardy Blue Ridge
Two-piece with spare tip. Medium-Fast progressive action with a
delicacy that allows you to fish with light tippets and small trout
flies on little mountain brooks and on small waters everywhere. Superb
rod for pocket fishing with dry flies or any application where
delicacy and finesse are important.
Hardy Catskill
Two-piece with spare tip. Medium-Fast with a sweet progressive action
designed to throw a tight accurate line loop and allow delicate
presentation of small dries and nymphs. Perfect for small to medium
trout waters and fine presentations.
Hardy Yellowstone
Two-piece with spare tip. Fast progressive action for accurate fly
placement under breezy conditions on medium to large waters. Perfect
for the angler who appreciates a faster action rod or where a bit more
casting distance is the norm.

MAINE, U.S.A., 27TH June , 1924.
With all the wonderful possibilities here, barely any
of our numerous manufacturers have fashioned a rod that is the equal
of the British ones. My experience with the latter has been through a
dry fly trout, one of your own make, which I have now been using for
the past thirteen years. H.D. POLO. - 1926 Hardy Guide
Fishing Gazette. - "HARDY'S Split-Bamboo Rods are certainly in every
way superior to the American; to praise HARDY'S 'Split-Bamboo' Rods
were superfluous, they are simply faultless." - 1926 Hardy Guide
For some years I have been using your spilt can rods, and have
found them most satisfactory. I have never had a breakage, although my
trout rods have been worked hard. MORETON. – 1905 Hardy Guide