During the last two seasons we have
made many experiments to improve the balance of these rods.
(Mr. Wood has again been good enough to assist us.) One of the Chief
objects was to make a 12ft. rod feel lighter in the hand and
not be so tiring to the wrist, and yet retain all the power necessary
for long casting and handling of a heavy fish. We are
pleased to say that our efforts have been successful. The present
12ft. “Wood” rods possess a particular charm. They look and are
strong rods and capable of hard work, yet in the hand they
do not feel as heavy as they as they look. - 1930 Hardy Guide
Many years ago the late Mr. A.H.E. Wood, the inventor of greased line
fishing, consulted us with regards to a new series of salmon fly rods
he wished developed to suit his own style of fishing which he
practiced with great success. After some trials the rods were decided
on and with Mr. Wood’s consent we were able to offer the angling
public something entirely new.

The popularity
of greased line fishing increased very considerably and with it the
demand for these rods. A year or two before his death, Mr. Wood
reviewed the action of the rods with us making them lighter to handle
and less tiring, without sacrificing any of their wonderful casting
abilities or power to handle a strong fish. The popularity of these
rods and the demand for them is almost beyond belief. This is the only
series of rods to which Mr. Wood gave his name. - 1937 Hardy Guide